Booking Livewires

 is an international network of christian children workers that facilitate children’s work at events and conferences, develop and promote resources, work in schools and community groups and provide training and consultancy for others working in the same field.  If you would like to contact us regarding using any of our services please email us at giving us your name and contact details and details of the event or service you’d like to speak to us about.

We will aim to get back you you within 24 hours to talk through how we might be able to work with you or facilitate your enquiry.  Thanks.

I know Fusion is already drifting into ‘what was’, but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to express my deepest respect and thanks for what you and your team achieved at Fusion. Visiting you for those brief few minutes, was a unique and encouraging experience that ranked as one of my highlights of the week. I don’t think I have ever seen something so well planned and so effective in serving our younger ones – well done! Any conference’s success rests on all the various ‘bits and pieces’ working together and your ‘piece’ was fantastic.

Yesterday, I spent an hour with one of our key leaders who is a little ‘on the fringes’ of what we’re doing. I was thrilled to hear how much he and the church had enjoyed Fusion but it was the kids work that had deeply impacted them. He told me how their children’s workers had returned home feeling envisioned and so enthusiastic for their local church work and he was ever so grateful to us…….I didn’t have the heart to take any of the credit! – Steve Oliver, Leader of Regions Beyond